Coach Cindy is excited to offer this new program in order to reach students that live too far away from Vision Field. This program allows her to share her proven coaching skills by analyzing the student’s uploaded video, identifying their technique mechanics (stance, swing, follow-through, etc.), diagnosing what needs improvement, and providing detailed feedback. This feedback carefully explains how to correct problems identified in the video, how to build on the player’s strengths and provides tips that she has developed over her many years of coaching and playing the game. The goal is to help the student learn how to fully unlock their power using proper technique.
To her, it’s more than just a game. Softball has the ability to take students to so many places, provide them with wonderful experiences and teach them countless life-lessons. This has been her experience and she wants the same for her students. She considers it an honor to be a part of her student’s personal softball development. And always says, “Never, ever, ever, ever give up.”